Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, February 8, 2022
I Beg You, My Children, Pray, Love the Lord, Make Him Part of Your Life, My Children, Offer Everything to Him
Message of Our Lady to Simona in Zaro di Ischia, Italy

I saw Mama, she had a soft pink dress, a blue mantle on her shoulders, a white veil on her head and a crown of twelve stars, at her waist a golden belt. Mama had her arms open as a sign of welcome and in her right hand a long crown of the holy rosary made like drops of ice. Mama's feet were barefoot and rested on the world, around which was the ancient enemy in the form of a snake; Mama crushed its head with her right foot, the snake struggled and shook its tail loudly, and its shaking created catastrophes in the world. Then Mama crushed its head harder and it stopped and a thick black smoke enveloped the world, Mama covered the world with her mantle and everything became quiet again and the smoke disappeared.
Praised be Jesus Christ
Daughter pray with me for the fate of this world and for my beloved Church, more and more enveloped by evil.
I prayed for a long time with Mama, then she resumed the message.
My children, I love you and I am happy to see you here in my blessed woods.
My children, I have been coming among you for a long time, but alas, you do not listen to me and do not put my advice into practice: I beg you, my children, pray, love the Lord, make Him part of your life, my children, offer everything to Him, let every moment of your life be offered to the Lord. Pray children, love, forgive, offer, offer everything to the Lord, every joy, every good, every pain, offer everything to Him.
Learn to stand before the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, there my Son is alive and true and is waiting for you, always ready to welcome you.
Now I give you my holy blessing.
Thank you for flocking to me.